If you are using Dialog internet services and you want to secure your network, you need to know the Dialog router login steps. If you have everything you need before you begin, the rest of the login process is pretty simple and you should have access to the router settings in a few moments.
In this article we are going to explain how to gain access to the Dialog router settings on your computer, using the default login details. You can also do the same using a tablet or a smartphone.
What You Need:
- A device to access the router settings (computer, tablet or iPhone or Android phone)
- Access to the network using the Ethernet cable or the wireless password
- The default Dialog router login details
The Default Dialog Router Login Details
Default router IP:
Default username: user
Default password: The admin password key printed on the bottom label
Dialog Router Admin Login Step-By-Step
The following steps will show you how to login to the Dialog router admin dashboard. After you gain access to the router settings you will have all the options to manage and secure your network. So, let’s take one step at a time.
STEP 1 – Check Whether Your Device Is Connected
The first and most important step is to ensure your device is connected to the network. Without it, it won’t be possible to access the router settings. So, depending on the device you are using you can use your wireless internet connection or connect the device and the router with an Ethernet cable. Once you confirm the device is connected, you can move to the next step.
STEP 2 – Open The Web Browser
Now, unlock your device and launch any of the browsers you have installed on it. You can use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and others. However, make sure you are using a recently updated version. Older versions of your browser may have conflicts with the router’s admin dashboard.
STEP 3 – Enter The Dialog Default IP In The Address Bar

The Dialog router default IP address is You need to type this IP into the browser’s address bar and press Enter when you do that. If the IP is correct, you will see the router’s system page with some information about your network. If the IP isn’t correct, you will see a message saying something like “This site can’t be reached” (in Google Chrome). In that case you need to find the router IP on your own.
STEP 4 – Click Login And Enter The Admin Login Details
On the system page, at the top-right of the screen, you should see the Login link. Click on it and you will be asked to enter the Dialog router admin username and password.

The default Dialog router admin username is user, and the password is printed on the label on the router. Always check the sticker when you are trying to find the default login details. However, if the default details have been changed, you will have to use the custom ones.
Type these login details in and click the Login button. If everything is correct, you will be taken to the admin dashboard.
Now you can easily find the settings that need to be changed (the default ones) and make sure your network is well secured.
Some of the changes we usually recommend and which can increase the network security are to change the admin login password, as well as the wireless settings. Here is a brief explanation why you should change these settings.
How To Change The Dialog Admin Password?
Most systems don’t allow changing the admin username, but changing the admin password is usually enough. You basically need to make sure that you are the only person who has access to the router settings and in order to achieve that, you need to change the admin password. Leaving the default is a serious security risk for your network, as well as for your personal files and information.
1. Click on Settings in the top menu.
2. Now select System in the menu on the left and then Modify Password.
3. Enter the old admin password and then enter the new admin password.
4. Confirm your change by clicking the Apply button.
How To Change The Dialog WiFi Name And Password?
Changing the default wireless network name and the wireless password is equally important. Dialog routers come with predefined network name and password and just like other default settings, it is important to change these as soon as possible.
The main reason for this is that when someone has access to your network without permission, he or she can easily access the router’s admin dashboard and steal your files and information, abuse your bandwidth, block you from the network, or just simply make your network unusable.
Although in that case a factory reset can fix the problem, you will need to reconfigure the router and set up the network from scratch. In order to avoid this, make sure to change all the default settings.
1. Click on Settings in the menu on the top.

2. In the left-hand menu select WLAN, and when it expands click on WLAN Basic Settings.
3. In the SSID field you can delete the old wireless network name and type in a new one.
4. From the Security Mode drop-down list select WPA/WPA2-PSK. This is the recommended security mode today. It is compatible with all the devices you want to connect to the network.
5. In the WPA Pre-Shared Key field delete the old wireless password and enter a new one. Make sure you are using a strong, hard-to-guess password.
6. Click on the Apply button and that’s it. Your wireless network now has a new name and it is well secured with a new wireless password.
Don’t forget to connect your wireless devices to the new network now.
Recommended reading:
- How to Build a Wireless Home Network? (A Detailed Setup Guide)
- What Is Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)? (Everything You Need to Know About Wi-Fi Security)
- How to Connect to Wi-Fi on Windows 11? (An Actionable Guide)
Final Words
Accessing the Dialog router admin dashboard is pretty easy and simple if you have prepared for it. Network access and the login details are most important for this. However, keep track of the changes you are making.
If you change the admin password or the wireless settings, write the new ones somewhere and keep them safe. You will need them the next time you decide to make some changes in the router’s admin dashboard.

Hey, I’m David. I’ve been working as a wireless network engineer and a network administrator for 15 years. During my studies, I also worked as an ISP field technician – that’s when I met Jeremy.
I hold a bachelor’s degree in network engineering and a master’s degree in computer science and engineering. I’m also a Cisco-certified service provider.
In my professional career, I worked for router/modem manufacturers and internet providers. I like to think that I’m good at explaining network-related issues in simple terms. That’s exactly what I’m doing on this website – I’m making simple and easy-to-follow guides on how to install, set up, and troubleshoot your networking hardware. I also review new network equipment – modems, gateways, switches, routers, extenders, mesh systems, cables, etc.
My goal is to help regular users with their everyday network issues, educate them, and make them less scared of their equipment. In my articles, you can find tips on what to look for when buying new networking hardware, and how to adjust your network settings to get the most out of your wi-fi.
Since my work is closely related to computers, servers, and other network equipment, I like to spend most of my spare time outdoors. When I want to blow off some steam, I like to ride my bike. I also love hiking and swimming. When I need to calm down and clear my mind, my go-to activity is fishing.